last rodeo

Well, 1993 Saturn, my ride for these many years (and John's the last 4 years and change), thanks for the memories. A car that was assembled in the good ol' US of A and lasted longer than the company did. It survived a tire tread hitting its hood on the freeway, countless rocks in its windshield, and it pulled me out of 3 feet of water in the 1996 floods in Sacramento.

Is it silly to write a goodbye blog to an automobile? Perhaps. Am I anthropomorphising here? Um.  Yes. I was relieved when I came out to wait for my Lyft ride that they had already taken it away. My betrayal complete and my voucher in hand, I couldn't wait to get the hell out of that off-Coliseum Way cul-de-sac, inaptly called Julie Ann Way, more fitting for a sweet-faced babysitter than a locale for destroying cars, where the sound of a grinding engine is ever-present.  It also had to be at least 15 degrees warmer there than the rest of Oakland.

At 26, I was far too immature to stroll onto a dealership lot by myself, so I arrived with my mom, stepdad, and sister for moral support. After much indecision, hand-wringing and lunch, I rolled off the lot with a gold SL1 beauty and was thrilled to have a brand new car. I paid it off in 1998 and just today, sent it off to scrap heap.  The check for $1000 should arrive in a couple days.  You read that right: a grand for this ol' gal with probably 200K miles on it.  Why "probably"?  The odometer gave up the ghost 3 or 4 years ago.  The speedometer is out.  Oh, and the rear defroster. And the air conditioner.  Under the hood, you don't wanna know, but it made it to its last rodeo.


  1. OH... it's so hard to give up a car that's been with you for so long and through so much.... I'm sad for you. You're new car is awfully cute though!


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